These new loan documents improve transactional and operational efficiency both internally and externally, reduce redundancies, and provide greater consistency and uniformity in the mortgage loan documents going forward.

Doc ID Title Status

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Manufactured Housing Community)

Modifications To Multifamily Loan And Security Agreement (Manufactured Housing Community – Non-Traditional Ownership)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Mezzanine Financing)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Cooperative Properties)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Supplemental Lien - Senior Loan Terms)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (First Lien - Permitted Subordinate Debt with Cross-Default)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Quarterly Income and Expense Statements and Rent Roll - Exemption)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Section 8 HAP Contract)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Single Asset Entity Waiver -- Additional Assets Permitted)

Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Single Asset Entity Waiver)