Property Owner Fact Sheet
Did you know you can help your residents establish, maintain, or improve their credit scores? When they pay rent on time, these positive rent payments can be reported to the credit bureaus to help them build credit.
Our Positive Rent Payment pilot connects property owners with providers that can report the positive rent payments of their residents directly to credit bureaus.
Getting started
Fannie Mae has approved the following fintech vendors for the positive rent payment reporting pilot:
Visit this page to learn more about the fintech partners and connect with them to get started. These partners will confirm eligible loans/properties with the Fannie Mae Multifamily product development team.
Property owner benefits
Participate in the pilot at no cost. One year of Positive Rent Payment services via one of the three designated vendors will be covered by Fannie Mae.
Reporting rent may increase timely rent payments. When rent is reported, renters may be motivated to pay on time, which could help reduce delinquencies, evictions, and turnover (and increase net operating income (NOI)).
- According to a TransUnion study, 73% of renters are more inclined to pay rent on time when their rent payments are reported.
Help renters establish or improve their credit scores. Informed and responsible renters are good for you and your communities.
View other FAQs and learn more here.
*Note that the five-year eligibility rule is general guidance, but each loan will be looked at on a case-by-case basis, and Fannie Mae reserves the right to waive that eligibility rule.